Hi I’m Siddharth

I’m a firmware engineer from India. Deeply embedded systems, Linux, electronics and computers are things that I am passionately interested about. Fortunately for me, my hobby, passion and work overlap quite a bit.

Now, I would like to say, I taught myself to program at 11 and have been good at it ever since. But then I would be lying. Truth is, I was very late to party – I was drawn towards programming at the very end of my school life.

Late, yes; miss out on any fun, never. I have been writing software from soon after school days and today I write software in half a dozen languages comfortably. I maintain a blog: EmbedJournal, exclusively for embedded related stuffs. Do check it out of you are so inclined.

Most of my professional work is in closed source – been doing it for a while now. Occasionally, I do get to work some open source stuff in my free time. Checkout my GitHub profile to see if you are interested in anything.

Apart for computers and electronics, I love carpentry. Working with wood give me the feel of being an engineer. The smell of sawdust is caffeine to my brain; Sharp measured cuts feeds my need for perfection.

Someday, I plan on setting up my own full-fledged carpentry workshop in addition to the extant electronics workbench. When I do, so there should be a lot of noise in this blog.